
Tarantula Hawk is currently writing their third album. Be Patient!

Qualche giorno fa mi è arrivato una mail dalla newsletter dei Tarantula Hawk dal titolo "Tarantula Hawk Update 2007". Ho strabuzzato gli occhi, erano proprio loro che si rifacevano vivi dopo quelli che sembrano eoni.
Buon punto, sono vivi. Loro che non sono mai stati una band con la solita routine. Basta vedere quante date live hanno fatto dal 1998 al 2005, quasi sempre in California e rigorosamente negli USA. Mai venuti in Europa, sembra, eppure sono sicuro che potrebbero fare un discreto risultato.
Chiamarla cult-band è banale ma vero, li conoscono in pochi perchè loro stessi suonano pochissimo in giro, due dischi fatti in boh sette anni, entrambi "Untitled" o "Self-Titled", entrambi scaricabili dal sito, niente nomi ai pezzi, copertine bellissime senza il loro nome stampato sopra, artwork inquietante che rende perfettamente la tempestosità della loro musica, manco un cazzo di footage di 20 secondi col telefonino su YouTube. Ditemi se non sono un gioiello di band.
Definirli Doom psichedelico rende abbastanza bene. Considerate dei Neurosis totalmente strumentali e col gusto della catastrofe imminente sparatissimo a palla. Roba che apre scenari, squarci coltri di nubi o le affolla in un metro quadro talmente fitte che a confronto il cielo milanese è ceruleo.
Io stesso non li conoscevo finchè la Goodfellas nel 2003 non mise dentro il pacco dei promo il secondo album. E fu un'illuminazione.
Ne scrissi qui
li intervistati via mail qua
Ma che dice la newsletter?

A message from Tarantula Hawk:
Greetings esteemed friends and fans of the humble rock band Tarantula
We hope this correspondence finds you in good health.
We are writing to make good use of this technology that we instantiated
(and asked for your participation with) many moons ago, by filling in
the rather large gaps between our collective musical efforts as the
aforementioned entity. This usually only becomes a requirement when the
bulk of correspondence that arrives pings the question, “Are you guys even
still a band anymore?”
The short answer to this question lies in the definition of “band”. If
a “band” is defined by its quantity of appearances and releases, then
it is safe to say that, “No, we are no longer a band.” However, we do
not see it that way. It seems that somewhere along the way, the
fast-paced, “churn-em-out” ethic of the mainstream music industry has trickled
its way into the world of independent and underground music. This is
probably because bands and labels alike found that listeners’ interests
waned if not stimulated by new material or the bi-yearly live performance
in their town. But these expectations weigh heavy on inter-band
relationships, and in many cases, sacrifice the quality of the resultant art
(if that was ever even the goal). Perhaps this is part of the beauty of
the punk rock ethic: spontaneous collaborations without the opportunity
to bloat. But enough hypothesizing…
To us, Tarantula Hawk is a relationship. It consists of three human
beings, each subject to time and change, and each forging our individual
path to follow. Every so often, these paths cross. When they do, we each
bring our experiences and interests to the table. Sometimes music is
created. Sometimes music is just talked about. But eventually, it
materializes into something tangible for mass distribution. This “product” is
what everyone else (besides us) sees as the essence of Tarantula Hawk,
but is actually only the “byproduct” of three concurrent (but
individual) human experiences working in unison (and never vice-versa).
So let this message quell those sleepless nights with a slathering of
faith that new music will always ensue, and that we will make absolutely
sure that it was worth waiting for. As always, be patient.

The Tarantula Hawk website can be found at:
Free MP3’s, streaming video, flyers, merchandise, etc.

If for some reason Myspace works better for you, you can find Tarantula
Hawk there, too:


Desert Solitaire Pt II – A live audio-recording of Tarantula Hawk’s
improvisational performance at the One Gathering, in August of 2005. Will
be available as a free downloadable MP3 with artwork.

Live at Beyond The Pale – A 3-camera/board-sound video of Tarantula
Hawk’s performance at the 2002 Beyond The Pale festival. Will be available
as a free streaming web video, a free downloadable file, or a
purchasable DVD.

Tarantula Hawk Album 3 – Will be available on CD and LP.

Other Tarantula Hawk-related projects:

The Creepy Creeps – Dylan and Dave have been playing in The Creepy
Creeps for almost as long as they’ve been in Tarantula Hawk.
Garage/Surf/Punk with a Monster-Mash touch. They’ve been putting out records lately.
Check out their myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/thecreepycreeps
for details and sounds.

Council of Seven Lights – Braden Diotte’s solo bass and electronics
project, scheduled to premiere on July 7th, 2007, and touring shortly
and/or sign up for the Council of Seven Lights mailing list:

Braden has also been experimenting with improvisational electronic
music, incorporating radios and microphones. You can read (and hear) more
at: http://www.myspace.com/bradendiotte
Or see it live at the Museum of Contemporary Art in downtown San Diego
on May 3rd, 2007, as part of Trummerflora’s Spring Reverb Music
and/or sign up for his mailing list:

Thanks for listening!


Self-Titled Debut Album [mp3]
Untitled Sophomore Album [mp3]

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

hey! ho trovato or ora il tuo sbloggo. anche io strabuzzo per i Thawks!! li intervistai via mail pure io, ebbi a che fare con quel furioso del bassista, mi organizzò anche un tour in arizona e new mexico (sai cos'è la tarantula hawk vero?) nel 2003 per il viaggio di nozze! sentiunpo', io ho sto blog che vedi in firma, ti link al mio. ma dei Thawk si sa più niente? cheppalle... possibile che quando c'è una band da sporcarsi davanti e didietro sparisca prima del terzo disco?!? uff...